Monday 6 February 2012

Pretty in Pink

Hi there!  Did you have a good weekend?  Ours was busy as usual - my sons always turn up with their girlfriends just as I'm getting a meal organised.  Ususally it's mainly a Sunday, but this time it was Saturday evening meal and Sunday brunch and evening meal LOL!  I love it when everyone comes round as the house is so lively.

Anyway I've had a busy day in the craftroom today getting a few things organised.  Mind you it looks like a bomb site now as I spent two hours looking for my gorgeous red Glimmer Paper, which I forgot was in a scrapbook bag hanging on the back of the door Duh!!!

Nevermind.  I finished off a quick scrapbook page in Pretty in Pink and Bashful Blue and the Stamp Sets were Fox and Friends and Bundle of Love.  It also gave me a chance to use some more of the discontinued Simply Scrappin' Love Stories Scrapbooking set. This cute photo is my Cousin's little girl Scarlett trying to talk.  It was taken last summer and I can't believe she's going to be One year old on Valentine's day.  Doesn't time pass quick?

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope to see you tomorrow when I'll show you some Valentine treats I've been making today.  Bye for now. x

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