Friday 3 February 2012

Practice Run Workshop

Thought I would take a break from showing you the cards etc we made at training day and show you a photo or two of the 'Practice Run Workshop' my crafting buddy Carol & I had with close friends and relations when we'd just joined in December.
Here are some of our guests who came along to support us.

Look what the lovely Anne surprised us with - a gorgeous cake.  I must admit that I cried when I saw this wonderful cake she brought for both Carol & I.

We had such a laugh and at the end of the evening, Carol and I thought we should both pose for 'the official cake-cutting photo' LOL!


  1. What a lovely photo of you and Carol cutting the cake. Some lovely photos to do a scrap booking page to record your first workshop. Wishing you both success on your new crafting journey.
    Liz xx

  2. Thank you very much for your kind comments Liz. I am in the process of scrapbooking some papges and will post the results next week - do pop back then. x

  3. Congratulations girls on becoming stamping up demonstrator
    look forward to seeing more on your blog
    Ruth i think your dining room is idea for workshops :)
    Wendy xx


Thank you for your kind comments.